Mother's Day.
Not being a mom myself, I celebrate the women who are on days such as these. I read so many posts and reflections on how close some people are with their mothers and families and how wonderful the relationship has been all along, and they don't know where they would be without that woman in their life. Well, I may have not always gotten along with my mother. I may have given her a hard time because I was an evil teenager confused and conflicted and learning how to grow up. Maybe. The jury is still out.
I have many fond memories with my mother from growing up. She is a fantastic, strong, energetic, miraculous woman. I cherish my childhood memories with her, and with other family members as well.
I just recognize that although were weren't always best friends, she was ALWAYS my mom. And I mean that in the sense of when I resisted, being a stubborn child from the moment I was born, she held her ground. She wasn't trying to be my best friend because that isn't always what we need our moms to be. We need them to teach us, encourage us, and perhaps sometimes- scold us.
My mother was my biggest cheerleader, as well as being my sisters, and perhaps our whole high school sports teams. She was at every game, witnessed every moment, and every injury. Still to this day if we need help with something, the first thing she does is offer to be there for us, and comes to help.
My mom has been 100 different things to me at different times- be it a cheerleader, a disciplinarian, an advocate, a sounding board, a critic, an inspiration, and example or whatever the moment called for. I think that must be one of the hardest things in the world. I don't know anyone who has done it perfectly, but I know the only ones willing to commit their lives to it are parents. I am thankful to and humbled by my mom. There aren't enough words to describe her- if you meet her, you will know what I mean.
Be your own hero.

We grow up either with comic books or cartoons and movies about superheros and the stories of them saving mankind. Sometimes we get a bit to caught up in the stories and fantasies and forget to find a real life hero, or even, be our own hero.
Land Fish.

This is something I wrote about 3 years ago.
Sometimes I wonder about the possibility of a personality being hypocritical.
Torn between the earth and it's shores, forever reaching for the clouds, with many hopes of sitting upon them, I push my heels further into the ground I find myself standing on.
How I got to be standing, this I do not know.
Addictive and unstable, compulsive and forgetful. Give me a fucking cigarette and I'll either smoke it to the filter or toss it to the ground, wishing it didn't pollute me or this earth.
Torn between indecision and constant confusion, anxiety takes it's place where a heart used to be. It beats like a heart, only faster and nervously. Not slowly, rhythmically, romantically....
There is no yearning for such things of importance. And yet, in the darkness of the night, or under the suffocating sun, the ice melts around my feet threatening to expose me and my body's warmth to the cold water underneath.
The fish in their homes would not be fooled. For they have been watching all along, through the layers of ice. Only they can breath under water. They watch while I can't.
luck of the irish

I've never been one to believe in luck- I think life is more about the choices you make and that everything happens for a reason. Maybe because it is hard for me to accept that one person should deserve more good fortune than another. Anyway, with Saint Patrick's Day just around the corner I am seeing green, shamrocks, and dark stout everywhere. I can't help but think about luck and the "luck of the Irish"- which coincidentally, means to have bad luck as the tale goes that Irish folk have unfortunate luck.
Create your own good fortune! Take action in your life. But wear green and drink a Guinness anyway, and celebrate your heritage, or the heritage of your peers.
Success, love and other drugs.

How do you measure success? Be it in others or yourself, what are the qualifications to be deemed a success?
Just for fun, google "success". Below are my findings..
1. favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. obsolete.
Number One. By far the closest definition to my personal thought on success. Attempt and endeavor what you dream of. Take your goals (if you don't have any then first establish some) and focus them. Focus on attaining those goals and reaching them. What is most important in your life? Often times we evaluate our life choices and goals in time of desperation and difficulty. Try to stay focused regardless of your current circumstance or happiness. Goals are ever changing, some easy, some seemingly impossible. I don't know if I would even classify reaching all of your goals a success. It is more the attempt and dedication to your commitments to yourself and others that dictates success.
Number Two. Bullshit. I mean, in some cases, yes. Wealth, status, and honors can be viewed as successes. But is that all it is to be a success? Hardly.
Number Three. Obsolete? Perhaps.
For many things in life, there are qualifications or criteria that must be met. Whether it is to be accepted into a school or program, get a job, apply for a loan, or live in an apartment. It also extends to aesthetic qualifications- are they attractive enough to date, do I qualify to wear this dress based on how it looks on me?
More importantly, we have to set criteria for ourselves and keep our standards high. These are all by personal definition or interpretation, but in a world that revolves around money, qualifications and credentials, it is hard to not define our success by the amount of money in our wallet, job status, or how nice of a car we drive.
I aim to define my success in different terms-
- Make my own happiness
- Improve other people's happiness
- Work as hard as I can
- Be kind to strangers
- Make others laugh
- Stay in touch with the ones I love
- Strive to be better today than I was yesterday
- Don't sweat the small stuff
- Laugh REALLY hard at least once a day
- Keep my commitments
- Explore
- Stay in good health
- Learn something new as often as possible
Of course, this list is a work in progress, but when I sat down to identify what was most important to me and what would make me feel like a success, I noticed that none of the things on my list had anything to do with the money in my pocket, how nice my car is, or how many designer pieces of clothing are hanging in my closet. Granted, I stress about having enough money to be comfortable in my life, I want a nice car, and I am addicted to beautiful clothes. But if I think about what I would do if I lost those things, I feel indifferent. When I think about never laughing again, never making someone else laugh or smile, not talking to those I love ever again, losing the ability to learn or explore, it devastates me. I can handle losing the things I have become accustomed to and I would rather die than lose the things I take for granted. Funny how that works. Success will be if I fully appreciate, and express my appreciation for all the things and people that I take for granted. I think life is more about making an impact on others - we are all here for a reason. I don't think my reason is to acquire all the beautiful clothes I possibly can...
Don't take anything for granted, search for your happiness, and cherish the things you tend to take for granted. Don't look in the mirror and feel disappointed in what you see- those things are all fleeting and editable. Look inside yourself and your mind, that is the reflection that matters. Focus on it, and success will follow.
Passing Time

Every day passes quicker than the one before. It's a troubling fact that we hear about from the time we are wee ones, with our parents running about, perplexed that yet another day, week, or month has passed them by. How could this happen when we have yet to do all the things we intended to? Write more, reconnect with friends, purge of old belongings, be better people....

Fall 2012 Fashion Shows
Alberta Ferretti RTW Fall 2012
Stay up to date! Which of course in fashion means stay a few seasons ahead.
What better tool to stay on top of things than (women's wear daily, of course). Thanks to them we can still work a full time job and maintain our every day responsibilities while getting updates and a brief synopsis on the best of the best at Fashion Week. From Ralph Lauren, Elizabeth and James, Burberry, and Alberta Ferretti, amongst many others- fall fashion is being redefined once again.