
Passing Time

Every day passes quicker than the one before. It's a troubling fact that we hear about from the time we are wee ones, with our parents running about, perplexed that yet another day, week, or month has passed them by. How could this happen when we have yet to do all the things we intended to? Write more, reconnect with friends, purge of old belongings, be better people....

Well, I find this "loss of time" conundrum is becoming increasingly more prevalent and difficult to fight in the 21st century. Every time we turn around there is a new gadget, application, or social media outlet we must engage. Sometimes I try to avoid them, but then I think- in this day and age, being young and immersed in the professional world, there is not a chance of survival if I don't understand and master each one of these gadgets and tools. Thus, we are lost in a sea of electronics and innovation, and time passes us by, faster than it ever passed by the now older generations.

What's the point? Well, if you are complacent in your life and don't mind waking up and wondering where the time went, I guess there isn't a point. But for those of us who wake up with our foot twitching, those who have the tendency to push the gas pedal all the way down, and spend time planning all the places we need to go- we need more. While being relevant through media is the most "it" thing since the Apple and Facebook revolutions, we must also fight for clarity and reality. We exist not only through the fingertips we use to punch the letters to write the words that become our history on the Internet, but also though the feet and the bottoms firmly planted in the chair we perch in as we do so. The chair which sits on the floor of the house, built upon the dirt and the earth, amongst the trees and oceans, underneath the sun and the stars.

Take a moment and reconnect with something aside from your keyboard. Take that moment every day. Live outside media, exist in the space around you. Life passes us by, we may as well try to catch it while we still have the chance.