We grow up either with comic books or cartoons and movies about superheros and the stories of them saving mankind. Sometimes we get a bit to caught up in the stories and fantasies and forget to find a real life hero, or even, be our own hero.
1. favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. obsolete.
Of course, this list is a work in progress, but when I sat down to identify what was most important to me and what would make me feel like a success, I noticed that none of the things on my list had anything to do with the money in my pocket, how nice my car is, or how many designer pieces of clothing are hanging in my closet. Granted, I stress about having enough money to be comfortable in my life, I want a nice car, and I am addicted to beautiful clothes. But if I think about what I would do if I lost those things, I feel indifferent. When I think about never laughing again, never making someone else laugh or smile, not talking to those I love ever again, losing the ability to learn or explore, it devastates me. I can handle losing the things I have become accustomed to and I would rather die than lose the things I take for granted. Funny how that works. Success will be if I fully appreciate, and express my appreciation for all the things and people that I take for granted. I think life is more about making an impact on others - we are all here for a reason. I don't think my reason is to acquire all the beautiful clothes I possibly can...
Don't take anything for granted, search for your happiness, and cherish the things you tend to take for granted. Don't look in the mirror and feel disappointed in what you see- those things are all fleeting and editable. Look inside yourself and your mind, that is the reflection that matters. Focus on it, and success will follow.